Create a DITA map

Give your project structure with a DITA map.

Without a structure, your project is just a loose collection of topics. To provide this structure, follow these steps to create a DITA map.
  1. Just as you do when creating a topic, click Create New.
  2. Type of select Map.
  3. TItle your map and click Create & Edit.
  4. Beneath your map outline, in the pane on the left, click Open Library.
  5. Navigate to any of your existing topics that should go in the map.
  6. Note: The following step applies to concept, reference, and task topics.
    Select a topic and drag it to your DITA map.
  7. To save the map, click Close Library at the top-right of the window, then click the X at the top-right of the window. Your DITA map will be saved with your other project assets.
You have begun to structure your DITA project with a DITA map.